Transaction performance is critical to the success of any system. It consists of two types networks: backhaul and core network. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. To make extensive use of HAN, customers are usually asked to register for different electricity services offered by the utilities by way of the utilities' portals. MV-90 xi is a proven multi-vendor solution for the collection, management and analysis of interval, register, and event data from complex metering devices. At the rate of 1,000 - about 90 million transactions may be written in a day. Usually, an event is detected as data and message flows between applications. If any of the transactions is a last gasp, then such events will require tracking and action. AMI is a complicated communication network and information technology infrastructure, which includes meter data management system, revenue management and asset management. and (2) load control devices as load switches, thermostats, etc. The first is the meter data management system (MDMS), which is present inside the utility data and control center. Utilize AMI data to extend and expand value to innovative use cases like distributed intelligence and smart city applications. In addition, reporting off of transactional systems may reduce application performance and impact other critical systems. One important component of HAN is IHD that allows measuring how much power is consumed and displaying real-time energy price to the customers. AMI features and capabilities include a, American national standard for utility industry end device data tables, 2009, IEEE Standard for Utility Industry Metering Communication Protocol Application Layer (End Device Data Tables, 2012, NIST Priority Action Plan 2 Guidelines for Assessing Wireless Standards for Smart Grid Applications, 2011, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications study report, 2010, Enhancing smart grid with microgrids: Challenges and opportunities, Smart meter is the advanced new generation of meters, which measures real-time consumption of energy, records and storages this measurement at predefined time intervals. Automatic meter infrastructure. At a central control center, SCADA is provided. Optimizing the database indexes and parallelizing the databases will be a pre-requisite. Outcomes: Delivering Intelligence that Empowers, Itron Enterprise Edition Meter Data Management, Itron Recognized as a Leader for the Sixth Consecutive Time, 4 million kWh saved and $5 million customer bill credits per summer, Over $9.5 million in annual financial benefits. The AMI head-end software needs to talk to the meter data management system, which needs to talk to the billing system. Moreover, if the CIS is ever to be replaced, the MDM integration with CIS will require redesign and rework. However, for those willing to take the proactive road, success or failure could rely squarely on the approach to solving the core IT challenges. The AMR system allows a customer to read meter data wirelessly at the customers own premises. Three main benefits are expected from SM systems (Avancini et al., 2019): the availability of energy consumption information to users, which enables them to optimize their consumption, the ability to assess and control meters remotely, and the ability to reduce energy waste, since it can be automated to react to power shortages, failures, and excesses. Robust validation, estimation and editing (VEE) for interval and register data to meet data quality standards, supply billing determinants and support non-billing scenarios. He also holds a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts. A meter data management system (MDMS) for smart utilities and cities around the globe with an enterprise-wide, highly-scalable MDMS architecture. There has to be a consistent policy formulation and setting up of regulations in this direction from the various players and mutual cooperation to realize smart grids. Thus, the current tactical approach that served companies well in the past will not scale to support the larger vision of Smart Grid and Demand Response. The AMR system allows meters to be read by utility personnel over wireless links. Transactions such as triggers to connect/disconnect a customers Smart Meter could originate from the CIS application, perhaps based upon a change in customer status, or an outage pattern could be detected based upon consistent last-gasp reads from a localized set of meters. Consider an AMI/AMR project that requires collection of data from a million smart-meters at 15-minute intervals. Achieving technical knowledge of design and production of local and wide area monitoring, control, and protection systems, distribution automation, and SACADA systems. This infrastructure will need to detect events just-in-time. WAN, wide-area communication network; OSGP, Open Smart Grid Protocol; VPN, virtual private network; DLMS-IDIS, device language message specification- interoperable device interface specfication; ADMS, advance distribution management system. Many SG & DR projects are hitting performance bottlenecks due to architectural constraints. Deliver operational efficiency while revolutionizing and accelerating business value. Improve demand response through dynamic pricing and demand response rate programs, managed by a single MDMS solution. Wide-area networks provide transparent links between the metering infrastructure installed on sites and the MDC system, being the infrastructure base of the set of machine-to-machine (M2M) services built on top of them. Centralize data collection and distribution functions into a single repository to drive business operations and analytic outcomes. Phasor data concentrators (PDCs) are used to collect the information. The effects of climate disruption will increasingly define the reliability and resiliency of the grid. With the smart grid, multiple software applications must be connected with one another to deliver the desired functionality; a common outcome is spaghetti integration. Modernize the grid, optimize grid performance and reliability, create greater efficiency and deliver cost savings through grid modernization. Within an AMI, smart meters are used to collect meter data or information on events via a periodic message exchange. For a million meters, this data amounts to roughly 1,111 TPS (transactions per second). Its highly challenging to send the last gasp message within the delay boundary as all of the smart meters are bound to operate without battery power relying on capacitive charge only. According to Gungor et al. Linking all of these systems can be quite complicated. An AMI has to deal with a large amount of data, as it collects information from all of the active meters within the network coverage. Most utilities focused exclusively on deploying Smart Meters, communication infrastructure and Meter Data Management (MDM) products in their pilot phases have not included developing a strategic integration architecture that ties MDM data with other enterprise applications such as Outage Management System (OMS), Customer Information System (CIS), Geographical Information System (GIS), Distribution Management System (DMS), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). To date, corporate or enterprise data warehouses have not been a norm in the power industry. The MDMS processes incoming raw data to generate useful statistics and provides energy usage information for customers. The dynamic system condition is assessed through the high-resolution data ability. According to the Smart Grid Priority Action Plan 2 (PAP2) report, released by the U.S. NIST, meter density is 100, 800 and 2000 per square kilometer for rural, suburban and urban areas respectively (NIST Priority Action Plan 2 Guidelines for Assessing Wireless Standards for Smart Grid Applications, 2011). AMI is a complicated communication network and information technology infrastructure, which includes, A survey of smart grid architectures, applications, benefits and standardization, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, To exchange information between the end users and the utilities AMI creates a two-way communication network comprised of advanced sensors, smart meters, monitoring systems, computer hardware, software, and data management systems. In addition, timing requirements may vary substantially, with outage management systems typically using real-time data exchanges, while billing systems operate with nightly file transfers. Provide the ability to calculate interval-based billing determinants, rate analytics, exception management and work management reporting. That may work for low volume and low transaction pilots but will not scale to production quality volumes and bi-directional communication models as needed. In fact, most integration needs have historically been met tactically through a one-off and projectbased approach. With so much actionable intelligence at stake, transactional systems should not be used to perform reporting. Those services are later provided based on the arranged HAN. With these technologies, it covers long distances up to 110 square miles and the data rate is around 101000Kbps [86]. Further, individual operators to overcome legal and other obstacles need government support so that appropriate legislative measures are taken. To be reactive and tactical in responding to problems as they appear. An event can be considered as any notable condition that happens inside or outside your IT environment or your business. The infrastructure included in the AMI refers to: These components are described briefly herein. The deployment of an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is one of the fundamental early steps to be taken in grid modernization, as it represents the direct inclusion of one of the main stakeholders of the electricity grid the consumers. The WAN can cover over thousands of square miles area, so data transfer rates may be up to 10100Mbps [86]. AMI is much more than the selection and deployment of a specific metering technology; it is a new arrangement of utilities processes and applications not only for collecting meter reads but also to integrate their final customers as active players in the daily grid operations, increasing the added value of the services to be deployed by the utilities. Neighborhood area networks (NANs): Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) is one important component of communication network infrastructure that connected to smart meter in customer domain and some field gateways in distribution domain [87]. (2011), a smart grid system has two types of information infrastructure; first, the information flows from sensors and electrical appliances to smart meters, which is achieved through Powerline Carrier (PLC) or wireless communications (Radio Frequency), such as ZigBee, 6LowPAN, Z-wave; secondly, it flows between SM and the utilitys data centers, which is achieved via internet-based solution. Figure1.6. Smart meter: Smart meter is the advanced new generation of meters, which measures real-time consumption of energy, records and storages this measurement at predefined time intervals. AMI system is a a platform that supports measurement, collection, and analysis of energy usage and communicates the same with the energy metering device [14]. The operation of all these functionalities can be remotely configured and customized in the metering devices, and they are also remotely managed and gathered either on demand or on a scheduled basis. R. Bago, M. Campos, in Eco-Friendly Innovation in Electricity Transmission and Distribution Networks, 2015. 6. This network can be designed based on wired and wireless communication technologies such as WiMAX, 3G and 4G. meter connection status, meter data, outage management etc). It also has the ability to transfer bidirectional communications of data. European Union Energy Targets: By 2020 EU desires to reduce greenhouse gases, increase the share of renewable energy component, and increase energy efficiency by 20% compared to the level of 1990. AMI allows collection of information and exchange of information among suppliers, utility companies, service providers and customers. A phasor is a three-phase voltage or current quantity and could be also a phase angle. One could assume that there may be 0.01% chance or 1 in every 10,000 meters that may send a last-gasp every day. In AMI technology a network is formed between the measurement devices and utilities control center. From operations to grid reliability, DTE Energy has seen dramatic advancesincluding a reduction of 4,000 truck rolls per dayafter deploying Itron AMI and MDMS solutions.
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